Sedation and Hospital Services
Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen
Perhaps the safest analgesic in dentistry, nitrous oxide/oxygen can reduce anxiety and gagging in children and make long appointments easier. The child remains fully conscious during treatment. Recovery after treatment is rapid and complete.
Oral Conscious Sedation
This is an alternative management technique that uses oral medication to assist your child to cope with fear and anxiety and cooperate with dental treatment, maintaining your child's consciousness and responsiveness to commands. Conscious sedation could be helpful in children that have a high level of anxiety or children who are young or immature to understand how to cope, especially if they need extensive treatment. Oral conscious sedation is a safe technique as long as the protocol is followed and parents give an accurate medical history. Sedations are performed during the morning because the patient has to be fasting.
Deep Sedation and General Anesthesia
Deep sedation and general anesthesia are induced states of unconsciousness. The patient is asleep and unable to respond to touch or voices. It is most often recommended for very young children with extensive treatment needs and/or an inability to communicate and cooperate. Sometimes it may also be the best way to provide treatment for children with special medical/developmental needs.
Dr. Mendoza is credentialed at Bailey Square Surgery Center.